I am happy to announce a FREE Quantum Healing session

of 30 minutes duration on Saturday 8th March

Specially for ladies

( Women's Day Special ) 


On Saturday 8th March, 9PM india time I will be offering a Free Remote Quantum Healing Session of 30 Minutes duration exclusively for ladies who suffer from any health issue. I will also demonstrate how to clear up emotional trauma from the body using Quantum Healing.


Why I am doing this: This is aligned with my mission of bringing good health to the world. I've observed that ladies most often neglect their own health while giving priority to their family's needs. So this free healing session is my way to help them gain relief from their health problems.


This will be done using a very powerful technique called Quantum Healing, where I will use my silent mind consciousness (zero point state or No-mind state) to trigger a powerful healing response in your  body and then your body will use its own intelligence and will start to heal itself instantly. I will also use a technique called Heart Energy Healing which uses the infinite power of our Anahat Chakra (Heart Chakra) to trigger a healing response instantly. You will actually feel a change happening inside your body during the session itself.


How It's done: You have to simply connect on the Video call, (Note that on one device, even if two or more people attend, they will all experience the benefit of the Quantum Field). Sit comfortably with your eyes open, keep your awareness to your body and keep observing if you notice any healing indicators in your body. Ideally after connecting with me, within 3-5 minutes most people observe signs of healing such as tingling, vibration, pulsation, twitching, heat or cold, tightness or lightness somewhere in the body which means that their body has started healing itself. You just have to keep your attention to that body part where you feel some change happening. 


After 30 minutes, although the session will end, the healing process will continue in the body for the next 12-24 hours and in 24 hours, you might notice a positive change in the health condition. If you have any queries I will try to answer those at the end of the session else later on phone or WhatsApp chat.   


What all does this work on? : This works on issues such as Headache/Migraine, all kinds of Body pain, Back pain or Neck Pain, Digestive disorders, Blood pressure, Diabetes, Thyroid, IBS, ENT issues, Psychosomatic issues due to emotional trauma and many other illnesses. For ladies, this gives excellent results on Periods pain, Cramps, Spotting, Excessive flow, Endometriosis, PCOD, Cysts, Menopause related symptoms, Infertility issues and even Hormonal imbalance. 


Note:  This session is absolutely free. If you notice that your body is responding positively to the treatment then it means that Quantum Healing can help you to heal from most health issues and if you learn how to do healing using this method, you or your family members will not need to visit a doctor for most health issues.


I request all ladies to take advantage of this free session. Please forward this to any of your friends, sisters or family members who you think can be benefited. This women's day let's bring in good health for all. 


For details on how Quantum Healing works, visit the 'About' page on this web page. You'll see it on clicking the top menu.

If you have any queries, you can drop a message on the WhatsApp number +91 9819858269.  


Click on the Green Button Below to connect on zoom call.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 804 095 0604
Passcode: healing


   For any queries, you can contact Sachin Karve on the number +91 9819858269 (Cell/ Whatsapp) 

Phone /WhatsApp: 

+91 9819858269
