We all know that for solving any problem, we need to go to the Root of the problem and then resolve it. The deeper we go, the better.


In case of our body too, when any disease starts, it starts in the form of a disturbance in either Energy or Order at a very deep quantum level from where it starts creating impact on upper levels and at the end of it, the disturbance manifests into a disease which we can see as a physical form in the body.


In most cases people make the mistake of treating the symptom which doesn’t help at all. This primarily happens because the symptom is the only thing that we see and feel and therefore have an inclination towards treating it.


This is however a mistake. The principle of problem solving says that never solve a symptom, solve the cause and the symptom will automatically disappear. Resolving the issue at a surface level doesn’t help.


The Root cause of the problem / illness is often hidden deep within and people don’t bother to go deeper.  However, one must note that if we simply treat a health issue at a superficial level but do not resolve it at the deepest level where it has started, then the problem will soon return.


Therefore, in the process of healing, the deeper we go, the better is the effect we get to see.  Now, let’s understand what we mean by going deeper into the body for healing.


If we have to treat a Body, we need to go down a level deeper i.e. an Organ Level . That’s where a surgeon goes and tries to treat the problem by cutting, correcting, adjusting, stitching, or replacing things physically.


If we have to go further deeper, then we need to go down to a Cellular level, where probably treatment such as nutrition therapy, Ayurveda, Herbal Therapy /Naturopathy etc would work. If we had to go deeper, we would have to go further deeper to an Atomic level where treatment would be done by using various medicines/ drugs / chemicals / chemotherapy etc used by doctors following conventional medicine or Allopathy. If we had to go deeper than this, we would need to go to a  Sub-Atomic / Nano Particle level, where healing methods such as Homeopathy work.


If we decide to go further deeper to do the healing, then below nano particles, there are Waves. (Waves come together and form Particles). So, treatment at this level is done using Radiation therapy, Light therapy, Colour Therapy, Sound therapy etc..


However, if we decide to go further deeper, then below waves, then below waves there’s Nothing. Waves are created from a state of complete stillness, a complete state of nothingness. So, if we want to go down to the deepest level to do the healing, then we need to access this state. This state is called as the Zero Point. It’s a state of Stillness.


We all have the ability to access the state of Zero point if we want. However, for this, we need to be able to completely silence the mind. The mind keeps jumping to the Past or Future and rarely allows us to experience the zero point. At the Zero point, the mind simply doesn’t exist. it disappears, and then from that arises a state of bliss, stillness and complete unity with the universe. It is simple to achieve this state if we really wish so. I can teach you how to do this.


Once we reach the zero point, our body or the  body of the person we are treating instantly creates a correction in Energy and Order, thereby eliminating the root cause of the disease. Then in an instant, all other levels above undergo a change and we can see healing happening almost instantly.


I have witnessed more than thousands of healings of various types over the last 9 years which people called as miracles since they couldn’t understand the simple process and logic behind it.


The Zero point is like a Still pond of water. Just drop a small tiny intention into it and it will instantly create ripples.  It’s a zone full of Love, Oneness, Silence and Stillness. A state of Non-Duality with the universe and a state of Complete Bliss . and in this state, each one of us has the potential to heal anything that’s out of place.