I have observed that Quantum healing works based on the following 5 healing principles: 


Healing Principle 1:

In order to heal itself, our body simply needs Awareness. If we provide our body with Pure awareness, it can heal itself instantly from any disorder. As a healer, my role is to provide a deep level of Pure Awareness to the body of the person who needs healing, and the moment I do that, his/her body instantly starts correcting the disorder and the person usually gets cured from the illness in a very short period of time.


Healing Principle 2:

In order to create any change in the universe, what matters is not the amount of effort that we put in, but the stillness of the environment. If we put a big rock in an extremenly turbulent ocean, it will not create ripples, whereas, a tiny grain of sand dropped in a pond of still water, will instantly create ripples. The extent of impact created therefore does not depend on the amount of effort put in, but instead depends on the stillness of the environment. As a healer, my role is to create the stillness of the environment, and then simply drop a healing intention into it, which then instantly manifests into reality and the person gets cured from the health issue almost instantly.


Healing Principle 3:  

For any problem to be solved, we need to go down to a deeper level. This helps us to address the root cause and thereby achieve a quick and permanent solution. In case of healing a Body, for achieving greatest healing effectiveness, we need to go deeper and deeper below the body level to an Organ level, Cellular level, Atom level, Nano Particle level, Wave level or finally to the deepest level of existence which is 'Nothingness' or Empty Space' characterised by stillness, Silence and No-Mind. My role as a healer is to go down to this deepest level of existence, i.e. the Zero point and address the problem at that level. This immediately triggers a change at all levels above, leading to an instant resolution of the health issue.


Healing Principle 4:

Listening is extremely therapeutic. If a body has a problem, it always tries to communicate this problem to the universe. Simply listening to that communication can help that problem to get resolved instantly. My role as a healer is to listen to the body’s communication as deeply and completely as I can, using all my sensory abilities and act as a medium for the body’s communication to reach the universe. I create stillness and silence within myself and try to intently listen to the ailing body’s communication, thereby leading to instant healing.


Healing principle 5:

The feeling of Love if sent to anyone who is unwell can help in healing instantly. Love is nothing else but a powerful scalar energy generated in our heart chakra that can travel across distance, space and time and heal anything that has a disorder. My role as a healer is to access the feeling of deep unconditional love in my heart and simply send it to the body that has a  health issue. My awareness of Advaita (Non-Duality) allows me to experience tremendous love for the person who I am healing. This scalar energy of love when sent to the person immediately triggers a healing response and leads to instant cure for many health issues.