Sachin Karve has been into Energy Healing for more than 20 Years. By Background he is a Mechanical Engineer and MBA Marketing from Mumbai University. He has 28 years of corporate experience. He started his career in the field of Engineering Design, then moved to Marketing and currently is in the field of Corporate Training. As a profession he offers Training services to more than 150 Corporate clients in the areas of Leadership Development, Behavioral Skills and Soft Skills.
He began his journey of exploration in the areas of Self-awareness, Mindfulness, Meditation and Healing, after going through a powerful Spiritual awakening, more than 20 years ago. In the year 2016, a deep state of stillness that he experienced, gave him the ability to heal people instantly. Since then, the opportunity to successfully heal more than 5000 people from various health issues, has provided him with insights into developing quantum healing techniques.
Sachin has also authored a book titled 'Instant Healing for Self and Others' that is published on Amazon Kindle as an e-book and has online courses on Quantum Healing and Heart Energy Healing with more than 20,000 students from more than 140 countries across the globe.
He is currently involved in offering healing sessions to people across the globe on various health conditions and is also involved in offering training to individuals on how they can heal themselves and others. He offers healing sessions on Video call as well, for those who need treatment but are at a distance.
Sachin lives with a dream, that one day every human on this earth, will have access to these healing methods thereby creating a blissful universe with Good Health, Prosperity, Love and Joy.